Get involved
His Calling > Our Comfort
At Immanuel we believe that everyone has a next step, no matter where you are in your journey. God is calling us all to something greater that will grow, stretch, and renew our faith each day.
His Grace > My Past
If you have recently made the decision to follow Christ or would like to speak to someone about taking this step, we would love to hear from you. We can answer any questions you may have or provide you with resources and encouragement. Be sure to stop by the Next Steps Station at any of our Campuses on your next visit.
His Grace > My Past
If you have recently made the decision to follow Christ or would like to speak to someone about taking this step, we would love to hear from you. We can answer any questions you may have or provide you with resources and encouragement. Be sure to stop by the Next Steps Station at any of our Campuses on your next visit.
His Grace > My Past
We believe baptism is a public proclamation of faith and new life in Jesus Christ. It is an outward public testimony of an inward transformation. If you would like to schedule a baptism or learn more about baptism at Immanuel, we can help.
His Grace > My Past
We believe baptism is a public proclamation of faith and new life in Jesus Christ. It is an outward public testimony of an inward transformation. If you would like to schedule a baptism or learn more about baptism at Immanuel, we can help.
spiritual contributor > spiritual consumer
Dream team
Find a place where God has called you to serve. We have opportunities throughout our church so you can find an area to use your specific gifts and talents. Join the Dream Team today!
Authentic community > Independent living
Life Groups
Life happens in community. We have Life Groups for all ages and stages of life. Your LifeGroup will help you grow in your walk with Christ, and find 2 AM friends you can call when trouble comes.
Sacrificial living > Playing it safe
Your faithful giving helps us reach those close to us but far from Christ. As a result, healthy Churches are planted in Kentucky and beyond for the glory of God. We give, not because God needs our money, but because He commands us to, and doing so shows He can be trusted.