
Where are you going next?

Applications for our 2024 mission trips are closed. Applications for our 2025 trips will open in October. Join us for Missions Night this fall to learn more about upcoming opportunities!

New Orleans



  • Date: March 9-15, 2024 & March 16-22, 2024
  • Trip Leader: Brent & Beth Foley
  • Contact: Brent.Foley@WeAreIBC.com
  • Estimated Trip Costs: $300
  • Team Size: 40-75
  • Additional Expenses: Some travel meals (approx. 4)


Team up with church planters to do servant evangelism across the city. We will also work alongside an addiction recovery ministry, supporting them as they run various businesses that fund the program.


Decadence and indulgence have long been associated with this city, and a decade ago, most pastors viewed New Orleans as a graveyard for church plants. Spiritual warfare permeates the city. Many people considered themselves religious—even Christian—despite having little understanding of the gospel. Evangelical churches didn’t die here; they couldn’t even get off the ground. But Katrina has changed everything, and the field is ripe for harvest.


  • Complete Team Member Application by February 29, 2024 at WeAreIBC.com/missions
  • $50 deposit required with application
  • Active participation in all sessions of Missions Training
  • Building prayer & financial partners through prayer & support letters
  • Adherence to all mission trip policies as described in the Mission Trip Application


  • This mission project will involve lots of walking and full days of ministry activities. Therefore, participants should be in reasonably good physical condition.
  • Housing will be at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Missions Night Copies of Missions Wall 2022



  • Date: June 1 -June 9, 2024
  • Trip Leader: Brooke Smith-Baptiste
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • Trip Costs: $1,200
  • Team Size: TBA
  • Additional Expenses: Personal purchases, some travel meals


The team will be looking to encourage missionaries, to share the gospel, and serve both the missionaries and the community.  Lauren Nichols is serving for two years in the area where we are going, as she serves with the International Mission Board, and with other fellow missionaries.

We will be working with a Christian school to put on a student-led kids camp, where we will encounter children of all ages and economic and spiritual backgrounds, along with their families.  We will look to share the gospel with people in the airport, anyone we encounter on the street, and anyone we are able to build a deeper relationship with. Most of those in Guatemala would say they’re Catholic but few have a relationship with Christ.


  • Completion Mission Application by April 15, 2024 at WeAreIBC.com/missions
  • $50 deposit required with application
  • Active participation in all sessions of Missions Training
  • Building prayer & financial partners for the partnership through prayer & support letters
  • Adherence to all mission trip policies as described in Team Member Application


  • This mission project will involve lots of walking and full days of ministry activities. Therefore, participants should be in reasonably good physical condition.
  • Immunizations – Please consult your physician. You may also consult the CDC site for Guatemala. Please allow sufficient time.
  • Passport is required for this trip. Start early!
Missions Wall 2022



  • Date: July 13-19, 2024
  • Trip Leader: Kevin & Lynette Bradford
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • Trip Costs: $375
  • Team Size: 20
  • Additional Expenses: Personal purchases, some travel meals



We are partnering with Clarkston International Bible Church just outside of Atlanta, GA as they offer HELP with Christ-like compassion & the HOPE of the Gospel for the international community so they may turn to Christ as Lord & Savior & make the church their home to GATHER, GROW, & GO on mission.


In years past, an estimated 3,000 new refugees arrive in Georgia annually with most calling the Clarkston area (just outside of Atlanta) their first US home. Within Clarkston, over 90 Unreached People Groups reside, and over 45 language dialects are spoken at the local schools.


  • Completion Mission Application by March 1, 2024 at WeAreIBC.com/missions
  • $50 deposit required with application
  • Active participation in all sessions of Missions Training
  • Building prayer & financial partners for the partnership through prayer & support letters
  • Adherence to all mission trip policies as described in Team Member Application



  • This mission project will involve lots of walking and full days of ministry activities. Therefore, participants should be in reasonably good physical condition.
  • Housing will be at a local church. Mattresses provided but trip participants are encouraged to bring bedding.
Missions Wall 2022



  • Date: June 10-22, 2024
  • Trip Leader: Jarred & Katie Earnest
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • Estimated Trip Costs: $2500~
  • Team Size: 6-8
  • Additional Expenses: Immunizations, passport fees, tourist visa, personal purchases



Immanuel mission team will partner with IMB missionaries to share the Gospel with the “Christian-Lost” of Croatia. Through spiritual surveys, prayer walking, and evangelism, you will learn more about sharing the Gospel with traditional Roman Catholics and other migrants.


Almost 90% of people speak Croatian but other languages include Serbian at 4.5%, with a smattering of Bosnian, Italian, Hungarian and Albanian. Around 86% of the population identifies as Catholics, with Other Christian denominations including Orthodox (coming from the Serbian population) at 4.4%, and Protestants (from the Hungarian background) at 0.3%. In addition, the Muslim population makes up 1.3%, while almost 4% don’t identify as belonging to any religion.


  • Completion Mission Application by January 2nd, 2024 at WeAreIBC.com/missions
  • $250 deposit required with application
  • Active participation in all sessions of Missions Training
  • Building prayer & financial partners through prayer & support letters
  • Adherence to all mission trip policies as described in Team Member Application



  • This mission team will be engaging with locals in daily conversation and evangelism. Team members will also be walking everywhere, through prayer walking and spiritual surveys.
  • Immunizations – Please consult your physician. You may also consult the CDC site for Croatia. Please allow sufficient time.
  • CDC Recommendations
  • Passport is required for this trip
Missions Wall 2022 (1)



  • Group99 High School Student Trip
  • Date: March 30 – April 6, 2024
  • Trip Leader: Dustin Rife
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • Trip Costs: $1,300
  • Team Size: 22
  • Additional Expenses: Passport, personal purchases, some travel meals



Group99 High School students alongside adults will build relationships, share the gospel, and serve those they meet.


Cooperating with the church planting strategies of IMB missionaries as they facilitate partnerships with Mexican national churches seeking to plant healthy, autonomous, multiplying churches among the least reached regions of the Bajio. The Bajio is located in the center of Mexico and is known as the “heart of darkness” of Mexico due to the lack of evangelical presence. There are literally hundreds of counties within the seven states of the Bajio with an evangelical status of less than 1-2%.


  • Completion Mission Application by October 15, 2023 at WeAreIBC.com/missions
  • $250 deposit required with application
  • Active participation in all sessions of Missions Training
  • Building prayer & financial partners for the partnership through prayer & support letters
  • Adherence to all mission trip policies as described in Team Member Application



  • This mission project will involve lots of walking and full days of ministry activities. Therefore, participants should be in reasonably good physical condition.
  • Immunizations – Please consult your physician. You may also consult the CDC site for Guadalajara. Please allow sufficient time.
  • Passport is required for this trip
Missions Wall 2022 (2)



  • Date: May 12-24, 2024
  • Trip Leader: Brett Martin
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • Estimated Trip Costs: $2500
  • Team Size: 8
  • Additional Expenses: Passport fees & personal purchases



We will go out each day to engage Muslims in gospel conversations on the college campus, in the city, and possibly in villages. Translators will help assist the team in sharing stories from the Bible. Service projects could be planned by Missionaries with whom we will be in partnership.


Bangladesh is a predominant Islamic (90.4%) country located to the east of India in South Asia. This country is the most densely populated country in the world hosting a total population of 172 million people. Bangladeshis are in general very warm and hospitable people, welcoming foreigners into their homes, feeding them, and oftentimes allowing them to stay the night. They love to hear stories around a cup of Chai tea. They enjoy soccer and a sport called “cricket”.


  • Completion Mission Application by December 15, 2023 at WeAreIBC.com/missions
  • $250 deposit required with application
  • Active participation in all sessions of Missions Training
  • Building prayer & financial partners through prayer & support letters
  • Adherence to all mission trip policies as described in Team Member Application



  • Housing will be at church, sleeping on the floor with mattresses (church provides some). Accommodations for families will try to be honored. Single ladies/men & multiple children may be assigned to boys/girls rooms.
  • All meals will be provided by the church membership in the church dining area. Storage is available for personal refrigerated/frozen items and personal snacks may be taken and even encouraged to defray expenses for the church.
  • Climate | Bangladesh is at sea level. In December and January, highs are in the 70s. In November and February, highs are in the 80s. From March through October, expect 90s and high humidity. Monsoon (rainy) season is from June to August, but it fluctuates each year.
  • Immunizations – Please consult your physician. Tetanus recommended.
  • Passport is required for this trip

The Bradford's Missions Story

The Bradfords had been on mission trips before, but none quite like this. During their mission trip to Atlanta, Georgia, they ministered to refugees and were challenged to share the Gospel with those they met.

Throughout the trip, God gave them the boldness they had prayed for. Now, they’ve brought that same passion back home as they minister to those around them.

Brett Martin's Missions Story

As a college student nearing graduation in 2009, I knew I wanted to make a difference but didn’t know what my next step should be. Someone both told me and showed me through a short term mission trip how so many people had never heard the gospel of Jesus. I read Romans 15:20-21 and was compelled to spend two years in Bangladesh to love, share the gospel with, and seek to plant a church in a land that consisted of more than 150 million Muslims. God used two simple young men, one from southeastern Kentucky and the other from southeastern Bangladesh to light a spark resulting in a movement of churches planting churches that continues to multiply to this day.

Change Lives

With Your Giving

Your faithful giving helps us reach those close to us but far from Christ. As a result, healthy Churches are planted in Kentucky and beyond for the glory of God. We give, not because God needs our money, but because He commands us to, and doing so shows He can be trusted.