Corbin Campus

Sundays at 9:30am & 11:00am

Richmond Campus

Sundays at 9:30 am & 11:00am

Williamsburg Campus

Sundays at 11:00am

We're Glad you're here

Man giving another man a fist bump

God's Grace > Your Past

You are welcome at Immanuel! 

No matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what’s been done to you, we invite you to join us. We want to help connect you to hope, community, and God’s purpose for your life.

At Immanuel, one of our core values is that God’s Grace > My Past. It doesn’t matter what’s happened in your past, because we know that God’s grace offers you a better future.

We’re a community of people who have been transformed by what Jesus did for them, changed by the power of community, and passionate about connecting others to those same things.

We can’t wait to meet you!

Man giving another man a fist bump


Worship band singing at Immanuel Baptist Church Corbin Campus

Who we Are

One church, many locations in kentucky

Immanuel Baptist Church is a multi-site church in Kentucky. We are one church in three locations.

No matter which of our three campuses you attend, here are a few things you can expect at all of our services:

• Relevant Bible teaching
• Contemporary Worship music
• A safe, fun, Jesus-centered environment for your kids
• People of all ages and stages
• A group of people that are thrilled to see you!

God didn’t create us to live this life alone, isolated from others. Life is better together because God made it that way!

Connection changes lives

Real people, real stories

What's Your Next Step?

Man Baptizing another man

Walking with Jesus

Your relationship with Jesus is a journey, and the journey has many steps along the way.

Some steps are big (like giving your life to Jesus or getting baptized), and some seem smaller (like praying one minute longer today than you did yesterday). 

We’re here to help you figure out what your next step is and walk alongside you as you take it.

Man Baptizing another man

Upcoming Events

What's Going on At Immanuel

We want to serve you and your family in as many ways as we can. Each of our ministries has different events throughout the year, and these are some of the big ones that are coming up.

We Are Here For You

Women hugging in church lobby

We Are Here For You

Need Prayer? Let us know

We believe that prayer is powerful because we believe that God is powerful.

No matter what situation you’re going through, it isn’t too big for God. He can intervene in a moment and turn it all around.

If you need prayer for any reason, we’re here to pray for you and ask God to move in ways that only He can.

Church Online

Pastor Allen Bonnell Preaching to a congregation

Worship From Anywhere

There’s nothing better than gathering together to worship with God’s people, and we hope that you’ll join us in person at one of our services. But if you’re still checking things out or you can’t make it to one of our campuses, we invite you to worship with us online.

You can also watch messages on demand at any time on our messages page.

Pastor Allen Bonnell Preaching to a congregation

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at Immanuel


